rose colored glasses
That being said, he has completely won me over recently after he discussed how the old rules of fashion have been altered and abandoned because of today's concepts in design. He states that a woman should not worry about dressing "age appropriately", but for her body type. I whole heartedly agree. I always feel a bit frustrated when I look through the fashion magazine sections that divides the what to wear now into decades, 20's, 30's 40's etc. Quite often I love something that is not officially in my age category, and the lines are often and should be blurred when it comes to finding what looks good on you. I have never liked being told what to do, and that includes outdated guidelines that may undermine the less confident into finding something that would be fabulous. It all boils down to this, take off the rose colored glasses when you see yourself in the mirror and at the same moment, celebrate your body for what it is, and decide for yourself what you love. Use your head when you dress--fit, proportion, and quality always matter. That doesn't mean the next time you blow out the birthday candles you must rid your closet of your skinny jeans, just wear them in the proper size, and pay attention to how they are to be worn best on you. Some of us need more help than others in finding our stride in the fashion world, but its important to remember this--how you dress tells the world a little story about you each day--so make sure its your tale that you are telling.
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